Andy Cross
SARDINE is pleased to present MIRROR VENUS, a solo exhibition by Andy Cross. It opens Saturday, October 11, with an opening reception from 7 to 10 pm. It will be up through Sunday, November 2, 2014.
“The world is becoming more and more specialized, and art is no different. I do not want to define myself as a figurative or abstract painter, as a minimalist or conceptualist etc, etc; the ‘isms’ go on and on. I love painting, and find true meaning in its expansive, creative, and overall potential of expression. It is a meta-language. I want to approach the totality of it, and try to paint everything in every style.” – Andy Cross
MIRROR VENUS features a selection of Cross' paintings executed over the past few years. This grouping is anchored in his ability to evoke the indefinable remnants of human interaction. Exchanging glances and colors connect. Quiet expressions and slow moving, inner-thoughts reflect. Artist or sitter, you can identify with both. Woman or man, the layered connections are apparent. Whether a portrait or more literally his resin mirrors, you are provided with a chance to be the sitter and viewer in one. Seeing your self amidst the painting is a simple, but timeless touch. Smile at these paintings and they will smile back at you.
Andy Cross was born in Richmond, Virginia. Having moved to NY in 2001, he received his MFA at Hunter College, in 2005. He currently lives and works in Brooklyn. This month marks two solo exhibitions in Brooklyn: one at Sardine and the other at Cathouse FUNeral. Last year the second installation of “House Painter, was exhibited at the Max Mara, Maramotti Collection in Reggio Emilia, during May 2013. In New York he has also shown at Martos Gallery, Peter Blum, ATM, Museum 52, Kravets Wehby, and with Mario Diacono.